Getting Started With Your College Homework
It is a huge jump going from high school to College. Many new students get overwhelmed by the increased workload even though they know it is coming. There are certain steps you can take to not let your homework load get the best of you.
- Talk to your advisor. If you are a slow reader or need to read things several times to comprehend them, then maybe you don’t want to take a full course load. You can always make up a class or two in the summer or on-line.
- Just as you make yourself a schedule for your classes make a schedule for your free time too. This is a great guideline to keep you aware of the time frame you need to be studying in.
- Do not forget to plan some free time too. Doing homework non stop is not good for you. You need to recharge your mental batteries sometimes too.
- If you get behind hire a tutor or homework assistant. A little extra help goes a long way toward learning everything you need to know and staying on schedule with your coursework.
- Get your homework done before you take free time. It can be disastrous to your studies if you do not leave enough time to study for that test. You cannot get lost time back so do not take any chances.
- Do not date anyone – Just kidding, but this too needs to be managed carefully so it does not affect your studies.
- Find a distraction free environment to study in. Have a meeting with your dorm mates and establish quiet hours for study in your room. If that does not work then go to the library or find an empty classroom. Studies show you learn more when not distracted by background events.
- Form a study group. It is very likely that in a group some of you will be stronger in some
Like any change in life college takes a little getting used too. Do not worry about it all the time but it definitely helps to make a plan. Follow the above guidelines to the conservative side. Allow more time than you need to study, you can always add it to free time after your homework is done. Soon you will be organized and have no problem keeping up with your work.