How to Write a Template for a Research Paper in APA Format

The best way to write a template for your own APA essays, is to find s trustworthy site online, such as a university’s writing center site, pull up their sections on APA formatting, and get to know all the sections, formatting, and areas which require capitalization. Be careful, however, of pulling up just any APA style essay online. You’ll want to look for APA templates and sample papers only published by very reputable sources. Look for only sites ending in .edu.

Then, print these samples to keep by while formatting your template.

Font and Size of Font

All APA essays should be typed in Times New Roman size 12 font.

The Unique Header System of APA Style Papers

The first thing you need to get to know about the APA style essay is its unique header.

The running header is in all caps and contains the words “Running Head:” then the title of your paper, or if your paper is long, the first 50 characters of your title.

To the right of this running head and title goes the page number 1 in the upper right hand corner.

Sample APA Running Head with Page Number


**You should create this header using your Word’s header and footer tool so that it will put your running title on every page.

Also on the Title Page

Next follows three lines which contain: the full titles of your paper, your name, and the school you are attending, centered vertically, and vertically placed about 3 inches from your running header.


John Adams

International Trade in Japan

Indiana University

The Abstract

The abstract is a brief summary of your essay. It is a part of every APA research paper unless your teacher designates otherwise.

The only thing on your abstract page, besides your title and page numbers, which should be showing up on their own if you’ve set the paper up properly, should be the word “Abstract” centered and then after double spacing, the abstract should begin.

The Body of Your Essay

Next you will begin typing the body of your essay. You do put the title at the top of this page. Under that title, begin typing the first lines of your essay (after a double space of course).

The References Page

The references page lists all the sources used in the body of your paper—every work you referred to with a paraphrase when summarizing the words of someone else and every work from which you quoted from. Each reference should be found within the body of your paper as well, where you cited, quoted, and paraphrased them.

At the top of your references page should be only the word “References” centered (and of course your running header with title and page number).

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