How To Find A Strong Academic Essay Topic: Surfing The Internet

Academic writing can be hard because there’s more expected from you than just a regular essay. If you’re having trouble with this, it could be because you need a strong topic. Having a good idea for what to write about is something that doesn’t just come to you. Most students have to find it on their own, whether through research or online. It’s a great idea to use the internet for choosing your topic. You can find so many sources, ideas and opinions of other people to inspire you.

Choosing a Great Topic for your Essay

The first thing you should do when picking a topic is review your essay requirements. If you have to stay within some broad range for this class, such as anything to do with psychology, or any topic related to economics, then keep that in mind. After that, you can pretty much do what you want. Topic choices are almost unlimited, and it’s more of a problem to narrow down your choices than to find some in the first place.

If you’re still stuck on where to start, though, here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing. You can use any topic on this list as is, or use a different approach to the same situation. If any of these inspires you to think of something completely different, that’s totally okay, too! Read through these and see if any of them catch your interest. These are among some of the most popular topics and are guaranteed to be fun to write. Of course, you should pick a topic that really speaks to you personally, because your passion for the subject will show through in your work. Also make sure that you’re choosing a topic that isn’t too broad or too narrow. Something too broad will seem unfocused, and something too narrow won’t have enough sources for you to research and write about.

  1. Are their any solutions for the wars in Africa?
  2. Do beauty pageants do anything to better a society?
  3. . Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
  4. Are private or public schools better?
  5. Should colleges pay athletes?
  6. Is global warming a real concern?
  7. . Discuss noise pollution in urban settings
  8. How have cell phones changed our culture?
  9. Pros and cons of universal health care
  10. Why people choose to be self employed

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