How To Write An Introduction For A Research Paper

The introduction to your research paper is where you address the topic at hand. It is where you explain to the reader any quick background they need to understand the problem at hand and what your thesis is. You use this space to tell the reader what you are doing to address or fix the problem in your field. This is an important part to your research paper because it will quickly show the reader what methods you are using and keep them hooked. It will leave them wanting more and needing to read the rest of your paper to get the complete picture.

Many academic institutions have separate due dates for your thesis statement and the introduction. Some institutions have requirements for a first draft shortly thereafter. This means you must write these before you come close to finishing your entire research paper.

Once you get your due date lists for the separate drafts and sumissions you should write out the due dates for each by hand. It is not enough to put the due dates in a computer. You recall information more if you write it by hand. You should continually remind yourself of the goals you have set and the schedule to which you must adhere in order to meet the writing goals.

It can help to take a ten minute break in between your writing or alternating between them in order to help alleviate boredom or a lack of motivation. If you surround yourself with other people who are also working on article writing you are less likely to get distracted by social things or television shows. If you write in a public location where you must be quiet, you cannot be distracted by online streaming or YouTube videos. Instead you can maintain the motivation you need to meet your goals.

Whichever method you employ in order to alleviate your procrastination, you should be realistic about your goals. If you try and still find that you do not meet the goals you set for the first few days you should try breaking up your goals into smaller and more manageable items. It does you no good to set unreachable goals and then continually miss them. This will only continue to fuel the desire to procrastinate. It is better to be honest with yourself so that you enjoy a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.

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